Monday, August 14, 2023

The politics of recnac research

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Cancer is recnac, in reverse, just fyi - thanks to Dr. Lodi for the term - check out his book and join the revolution really fighting recnac.
It’s frightening how much millions of dollars are being spent on cancer research and yet we always seem to be at the brink of something resembling hope of a cure but never arrive at a cure or even some better solutions. The confusion (not so lately) surrounding the issue of mammograms aside, how do we know the research funds are being channelled to the most effective research programs or the ones most likely to produce useful and “ready-to-wear” results? In this age of technology as we keep going deeper and deeper into the uber-nanoscopic world of dna and genes, have we lost sight of some of the more basic treatments we can apply our collective genius to investigating or have we become a society of researchers dictated to by the drug companies who fund the research we do?

Bee hip to new words! nanoscopic - Exceedingly small; tinier than a microscopic particle

In the ultra-nanoscopic world of DNA and genomes, microscopic particles are clumsy and gargantuan.
from the word microscopic the prefix micro is substituted with nano