Monday, February 28, 2005

Campus Madness

I recently read something that triggered this post at:

I could write an entire thesis on the madness that goes on at UWI campus! That is, if I knew the half of it!
One thing I do know, is this madness of UWI security stopping people at the gates, and locking of the gates has to stop!!
Everyone knows, they are not sealing out any criminals by having guards stop people at the gates. The criminals always find other ways to get in. Some of them probably know a guard, so they just get waved in, instead of the third degree that an innocent person might get. Tell me that is not madness!
And the gate-locking, what is that about? They're not stopping any criminals by locking the gates, but they are certainly being an inconvenience to anyone who is on campus late or has to come on campus late...because they always have to wonder, "Is this gate locked? Or is it that gate?" That is madness!

1 comment:

Tunks said...

This security thing iz a never ending drama... Iz all for show yes.